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jiff Howell

Why did he not ask about the lyrics to 'Elegy'? Does it describe a suicide pact or not ! Arg!!!!

James Litherland

Hi Arg
Elegy was not about a suicide pact, more like the desperation of losing someone you really love and not being able to cope with life afterwards. The interesting thing was that the song came to me almost in a dream. It was just getting light and I was half asleep and half awake. The whole song was in my head and I had a guitar next to my bed. I strummed the chords, wrote down the words and went back to sleep.

James Litherland

Todor Pan

It's too pitty James Litherland left Colosseum, both sides just lost of that. James never again get a chanse to show us his undenieble talent, and Colosseum lost their original spirit. True, with Chriss Farlow on mic they obtained much "havier" vocal sound, but lost all the "flexibility" and blues-passion, lost that incredibble homogenity between guitar and vocal, and became more "rock" with hard and straith melodic lines. Unfortunatelly Mogul Thrash couldn't fit that lose by the James side, despite ot John Wetton's participation in it.
Colosseum 1968 - 1969 was an unick band!
Sorry for my bad English.


When James left Colosseum the sound was never quite the same. But what a fabulous band it was.looked on u tube some great clips and film. Most of this band backed John Mayalls bluesbreakers. I was lucky to see them live. Chesford Grange. Nr Warwick. Late 60's


If I remember correct didn’t you James play on a Leo Sayor track it was brilliant Kath

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